Fri 03 Jan
▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄💋 SOLAR SPA AND MASSAGE 💋 ▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄█▒▒ ToO █▒ ❤█▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ❤█▒ TO ❤ █▒ PASS - 21
(South Jersey, 1324 ATLANTIC AVE. AC,NJ (609) 344-8588)
Sexy, girl next door blonde cutie. Have 2 girl specials also!!! - 28
(South Jersey, Cherryhill, incalls only)
LOOKING For A QUALITY Experience?? SUPER BUSTY (38DDD), Mature, Redhead And Seeking YOU!!! - 44
(South Jersey, Mt. Laurel, NJ / Cherry Hill, NJ)
Ms. Devine **ALL NEW NUDE One on One Experiance** N U R U Body Rub!! - 24
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel Incall ONLY)
*.*.* Limited Edition Madison Reme *.*.* SOMETHING New Just 4 YOU *.*.* - 22
(¯`'.¸ ★ § _ K_ i_ L _ L _§ *° B Y O N D °*M A S U R »- (¯`'.¸ ★ - 23
(south jersey & atlantic city)
🌟👑🌟Classy⌛ Curvy⌛ and Sensual, Portuguese 🌸Beauty 🌸with a Booty🌟👑🌟
(South Jersey, Mount Laurel,, South Jersey, Cherry Hill)
CARLIE..THe UnForGettAbLe JeRseY ExPeRienCE.. DoN't Let it SliP AwAy.. 267-895-5052 ..$80 SPeCiaL - 32
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill)
Thu 02 Jan
Hot Fun With A Hot Ebony Mistress ASHA MONAE - 27
(South Jersey, Burlington/Camden/Gloucester Counts.)
💎T0p 0f Th3 L!N3💎🎀0n3 0f a K!ND🎀💋V!P Playmat3...💖😍👅🍬.$50 Specials - 25
(South Jersey, MT.LAUREL NJ/RT.73)
.Take My Number it's *82 609-924-9691" If You Havn't Called Me You Must NOT KNow About Me. - 25
(South Jersey, All South Jersey & Your place)
Roses Are Red❤ Violets Are Blue ❤ Come Play With Me I Will Satisfy You ❤ Beautiful brunette Specials - 21
(South Jersey, Brooklawn)
emma's coming to the atlanti c city/galloway twnshp area wendsday pre booking for weds 1- 26-11 - 34
(atlantic city/galloway)
A kiss under the mistletoe!! 💋💋 856-882-8021 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 37
(South Jersey, 856-882-8021 Rte.73 & ex 4 NJ TPK)
$70.qv 🍫🍓🍒 MoChA EbOny Curvy & Thick !! $70.qv SPECIALS!!! 🍫🍓🍒 - 26
(Blackwood💑 incalls, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
A lItTlE bIt Of KrIsTiE iN uR lIfE wIlL mAkE yOuR sTaY hErE sO mUcH bEtTer! GUARANTEED!!!! - 26
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Area, Casinos in & outcall)