Mon 27 Jan
sexy sweet LIAH ready to have fun today.are u - 26
(South Jersey, Brooklawn south jersey of 676 /42/295)
****~!!!~**** *~* SEXY *~**~* SWEETHEARTS ___ ****~!!!~**** - 23
(South Jersey, 676/295/42/Black horse pike)
sexy beautiful italian girl@@ ROSE @@ for some fun tonight . - 23
(South Jersey, Brooklawn south jersey of 676 /42/295)
Real pics 💦♡ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε♡☆💕💋🚨⇛ AMAZiNG LipS ⇚JUICY (609)760-6057👅♥️💋💦 - 27
(Atlantic City, Bellmawr, BHP, 295/42, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
♥ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You ) ) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ♥LAST DAYS ♥ - 20
(South Jersey, I-295, Rt. 42, I-676, Exit 3 Turnpike)
- PeTiTE BRuNeTTe - - - --- G I R L F R I E N D -- --- M A T E R I A L-- - - (F I N A L D A Y S)--- - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
Ready for a good Time💕💋💕Well Reviewed💋CEEJAY 856-870-5452💕💋💕Call Me - 26
(Camden, County South Jesery near 295, 42 & NJTP, South Jersey)
💋One More Night!💕§ummer $k¥¥💋 6o9..778..7584💕 - 28
(bellmawr 168 near 295, 42 & Trnpk, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
(NEW PiCS) ★BuSTy HoTTiE ★ FAce Of An ANGeL★ A PlayFuL PerSonaLiTy ★ - 20
(South Jersey, I-295/Rt 42/I-676/Rt 70)
Sun 12 Jan
💋💕§ummer $k¥¥💋NEW NUMBER!! 6o9..778..7584💕 - 28
(bellmawr 168 near 295, 42 & Trnpk, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💋💎Bring In The New Year Right With The Green Eyed Girl That Will Make Your Toes Curl💋💎 - 25
(Brooklawn Deptford Area 295 42, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Sat 11 Jan
☆ W_O_W ☆ S UPER ☆ SEXY ☆BuSTy iRiSH LaSsiE ☆ - 20
(South Jersey, I-295/Rt. 42/I-676/Exit 3Trnpike)
**HOTTER **THEN ** JULY*•-:☆FEEL**THE ** SIZZLE!!! 295/42/47 Not In AC. Min From Philadelphia - 44
(Atlantic City, South Jersey, South Jersey Private Location 295/42/47)
🎀❄Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas I Can Be Your Present Baby Come Open Me Up!❄🎀 - 25
(Brooklawn Deptford Area 295 42, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
@@ STAR @@ a sexy italian that likes to please in town tonight.$$ 100 special.. - 24
(South Jersey, Brooklawn south jersey of 676 /42/295)
💥 FiReWoRX ? XploSions? 💥 SeXy RiSinG 💫 STARR 💫 Fetish Friendly ! - 23
(South Jersey, rt 295/rt 130/ rt 42 incall /outcall)
***** 5sTaR sERviCe ***** AmBEr ***** Outcalls ***** - 26
(South Jersey, 130/38/70/73/295/42/30/168/Outcall)
2 GIRL SPECIALS🌟💜💯%856 393 2881 *€¤m£ Tr¥ Some of Ceejay☆ - 27
(Camden, County-Bellmawr Deptfordarea near 295/42, South Jersey)
✿•*¨♥¨*• VOLUPTUOUS✪ (¯`'• ★•'´¯) And (¯`'• ★•'´¯)✪SENSUAL♥¨*•Max Stress Relief - 43
(South Jersey, 295 S 42/47 UPSCALE PRIVATE LOCATION)
Up$cale Companion 💋Adventures with SUNNY 💋 Available Now 💯 (202) 794-5780 ️ - 42
(295/42, Atlantic City, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Bouncy, Playful Girl Next Door! ❤ .•* CeeJay & Friend *•.❤ - 26
(Bellmawr area off of 168 near 295, 42& T, Camden, South Jersey)
🌟Bouncy Girl Next Door✨💋✨ 856*870*6167✨💋✨* Im ready to play *•.🌟* - 27
(Camden, Runnemede-Deptford Area near 295/42/TP, South Jersey)
Ready to Play💕💋💕CEEJAY 267.417-4629💕💋💕Call Me - 26
(Camden, County Bellmawr area168 near 295, 42 &, South Jersey)
Fri 10 Jan
SpeCiaLs! -:¦:- SpeCiaLs! -:¦:- __ BoRiQuA BaByDoLL !! __-:¦:- SpeCiaLs! -:¦:- SpeCiaLs!! - 21
(Incalls Rt 42/295/130)
► NEW ExoTiC DanCer ? Island Trip ? Maybe;) Available Now UntiL 4pm Only - 24
(rt 295 / rt 42 area)
SPeCiaLs! _______ @ * TiNy boMbsheLL!! * cAn U hanDLe iT?? * @ _____ SpeCiaLs!!! - 21
(sj, in or out, 42/295/130)
❤ 2 Girl Special❤.•* Bouncy, Playful Girl Next Door! ❤* ░ ❤BRUNETTE❤ ░ * ❤.•* CeeJay *•.❤* ❤ - 26
(Bellmawr area off of 168 near 295, 42& T, Camden, South Jersey)
*44DDD* Voluptuous *Mature *BBW Angeline $100$pecials ::100:: 150:: 200:: just 5 min fr WWB
(Gloucester Area, NJ~just 5 min from WWB)
*VOLUPTUOUS 44DDD Natural* Mature* BBW~ EVANGELINE ~ $$$PECIAL$ 100 15M~120HH~180 HR
★ BD Lindsay's G to the F-E ! ★ SPECIAL ☆ ( ☎ for donation) ● Excellent Reviews ID:191230. - 25
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 70 • rt 42 incall /outcalls)
=No GaMeS HeRe! === JuSt A [BeAuTiFUL] LittLE [PETiTE] PRiNCeSS === LeAViNG 4 GoOD SHoRTLY= - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
Thu 09 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)-» Looking 4 Something RARE and Risque? ReaD AbOut My SeCReT GiFTs »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42/Rt.130)
Spend some time tonight with the sexiest girl around. - 25
(South Jersey, EZ Axxess from 295 130 42 47)
•°o♥ Sunday Special! • ☆LIMITED☆TIME! ☆★ •°o ♥•° ★ Sexy ❤ Petite ❤ Italian★ - 21
(South Jersey, South Jersey (Rt.130/ I-295/ Rt. 42)
(¯`'+ BeAuTiFuL Long-haired PeTiTe DoLL'´¯) (¯`.¸+ The COLLEGE SWeeTHEART / SeXIeST COMPANION + '´¯) - 22
(South Jersey, South Jersey (I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42))