Mon 27 Jan
60 speacials ★ BIG BOOTY★thick Snow BUNNY ! ★ Super SWEET! 100% REAL! ★ - - - - 22
(South Jersey, Rt 130 676)
**~** Sexy Green Eye, Blond Hair Fantasy *** ~SUMMER~ *** Let Me Give You Your Hottest Fanta$y - 21
(South Jersey, Deptford Area, Bellmawr, Blackwood, SJ)
😘💋Sexy gorgeous blonde Taylor VisitinG South JeRsey today May 26th. Come visit me💖 267-475-2813 - 40
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💋❤💋❤ SeXy 💋❤💋❤ ExoTiC 💋❤💋❤💋❤ PLayMaTe 💋❤💋❤💋 SpeCiAls 💋❤💋❤💋 - 22
(South Jersey, South jersey, A.C, EHT,absecon, Galloway)
($peCial$)the BeST $$$ can ~ ONLY a PHoNE call away ~ your PLaCE/my PLaCE ~ anytime - 22
No time is the best time to gain Clarity with,$carlett in 1 session , 6098922929 - 26
(South Jersey, Atlantic city, casino)
NEW💋💋💘💘100% M E ! E V E💋💋💘💘 L A T I N A 💋💋💘💘 CALL ME - 19
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill (Mount Laurel))
Sun 12 Jan
*-* WaNnA pLaY? *-* ExOtic *-* SenSuaL *-* ThicK & CuRvY *-* $100 SpeCiaLs!! *-* - 25
(South Jersey, *Atlantic City Only*)
TREAT YOURSELF°Big bOOty white girl °•○°•○•°Mouth WATERING Skills★★★★★ - 23
(Cherry Hill, rt 168 ,130,676 privet i🌟Incall only🌟, South Jersey)
💋 *****!!!Hott Experienced Play Bunny In Town !!! **Specials** 💋 Best Prices In Town 💋💋 - 27
(South Jersey, Blackwood)
Sat 11 Jan
XXX The Best of The Best XXX Look No Further Because Your Desire Is Only a Call Away!!! XXX - 22
(South Jersey, Pennsuaken)
WOW!!! Don't Be A Turkey!!! Check Out These ALL NEW Thanksgiving Holiday SUPER SPECIALS!!! - 40
(New Jersey/PA/DEL)
Sweet & Ready Chocolate CALIFORNIA Babe That U won't forget ! 202 709 1858 - 25
(Hotel Casnio Area (AC) Out calls)
New In Town Come Have Fun With Me SPECIAL 60.00.... - 20
(South Jersey, Vineland,Millville,,Bridgeton Malaga)
Hypnotic NuRu Bodi2 Body Xstacy Glide**** !! 80$$$$ Bordentown NJ - 27
(South Jersey, Bordentown NJ 140fh 80hhr)
Baby Face With A Grown Woman's Waist! ______ Sexy, Big Boodie BBW! _____ Specials! - 21
(maple shade/mt laurel incalls)
YOU'LL ___ L💗 VE ____ my ____WILD ____SIDE!!!!! U 💗N💗 4 💗G 💗E 💗 T 💗A💗 B💗 L💗 E - - 21
(South Jersey, Atlantic city, Absecon, Smithville,EHT..)
Sexy 💋 Young 💋 N Lots Of Fun 💋 Just A Phone Call Away 💋❤️ - 20
(Cherry Hill, Cherry Hills, South Jersey)
New; Explore & Satisfy your Inhibitions /Nikki your perfect 10 companion;an open-minded blonde - 22
(South Jersey, Atlantic City)
*NeW BeAuTiFuL >*Exotic HOTPLa Y m aTe --4_--ThE-- EArly --MoRning!!! - 21
(South Jersey, mayslanding,hammonton,galloway,smithvil.)
New; Explore and Satisfy your Inhibitions wi/Nikki your perfect 10 companion;an open-mietite blonde - 22
(South Jersey, atlantic city)
**~*Well Reviewed $exy Green Eyed, Blonde~Fantasy ***~SUMMER~**Let Me Fulfill Your Fanta$y**~** - 23
(South Jersey, Deptford Area, Blackwood, SJ)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* THANK GOSH l'M FREAKY! AMAZlNG lNCALL SPEClALS! •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 29
«---» CaLiFoRnIa _ BLEACH _ BLONDE _ PlAyMaTe «---» visiting JERSEY - 27
(South Jersey, CHERRY HILL)
Bordentown Cherrys *T@ñgu£* twister mASSage@ moore. Bordentown - 26
(South Jersey, Bordentown/ 2673220920)
CARLIE.. BeAuTiFuL... SeNsuOuS.... WhEN OnLY The BeST WiLL Do.. 267-895-5052 .. $80 SPeCiaL - 32
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill..Upscale Location)
BIG BOOTY★thick Snow BUNNY ! ★ Super SWEET! 100% REAL! 60special - 22
(South Jersey, blackwood rt 42)
(H)u(m)pDAY's *TONGUE* TwisTer mASSage @ EX(x)PloSION!! with CHERRY! - 24
(South Jersey, mount laurel/ rt 73)
Fri 10 Jan
Who's Up For A Good Time? RedHead BBW Beauty! Get All You're Looking For! All Day, All Night! - 21
(maple shade incall specials!)
Yummy Yummy( SW33T ____ L!K3 ___H0N3Y )-:¦:-*B E A U T I F U L*B L O N D E*-:¦:- - 24
(Central Jersey, SOMERSET Area/ Incalls)
Vega 🌟Star🌟 is Here to Play!! $ $100$ $ Half Hour Special!!!!!! - 26
(Maple Shade rt. 73 Incalls&Outcalls;, South Jersey)
*** GREAT SPECIALS GOING on THAT u DONT WANNA miss come AND GET IT WHILE IM still dripping & HOT*** - 26
Mouth WATERING Skills°•○°60 special°•○° BIG BOOTY WHITE GIRL - 22
(South Jersey, mt laurel,cherry hill, maple shade)
Vega 🌟Star🌟 is Here to Play!! 💋💋Lets Play💋!!!!!!💋 - 26
(Cherry Hill, Maple Shade Berlin rt73 Incalls&Outcalls;, South Jersey)
The ULTIMATE petite companion, a BREATH TAKING view with a GORGEOUS body & smile - 21
(Atlantic City, atlantic city and surrounding areas, South Jersey)
Barbie is looking to give you the time of your life young hot and blonde 1856-796-2260 - 21
(South Jersey, brooklawn)
🎉🎆SWEET & SEXY🎆🎉☺CURVY & SOFT👏👀👌👍 (maple shade) - 24
(Cherry Hill, Mapleshade mount laurel INCALL ONLY, South Jersey)
NEW SEXY VIXEN IN TOwn lets party$carlett early bird specials 6098922929 - 26
(South Jersey, Atlantic city @rea)
SeXy & Seductive Brunette PlayMate 💗Sensual oil body Massage 💗Come Over 💗Release All Stress - 25
(Atlantic City, Rt. 40 Egg Harbor Township, South Jersey)
XXX The Best of The Best XXX Look No Further Because Your Desire is only One Call Away!!! - 23
(South Jersey, Pennsuaken)
Im whAt yOu alwAys dreaMed abOut @@ ROSE @@ In tOwn * dOnt fOrget tO aSk abOut SPECIALS * - 23
(South Jersey)
Thu 09 Jan
steal & deal with SWEET TASTY candee!! dont miss out on the time of your life ♡♥♡♥ - 19
(South Jersey, Atlantic city)
SPECIALS💋One You Desire💋Blonde Babe Sexy Sweetheart Petite& Precious💋609👄600👄0764 $50Ss - 25
(Camden, Rt73, Maple shade, Moorestown,Mt Laurel, South Jersey)
No HANDS .MeLTs IN yOUR (M)o(U)tH* TONGUE* mASSage @ E(x)XpLoSioN! - 24
(South Jersey, Mt. Laurel/ rt 73/295)
💋 *****!!!Hott Experienced Play Bunny In Town !!!**$50$ to 120$ hour specials💋best prices in town💋💋 - 27
(South Jersey, Brooklawn)
~ BEauTIFuL. BustY & BooTyLiciouS ° o♥o° Checkout ° o♥o° MY Awesome New PICS - 20
(Princeton || Incall & Outcall)
( / B 00 T Y \\ ) & ( // B3 @ U T Y \\ ).............( // B R @ ! N S \\ ) & ( // B 00 B ! 3 S \\ ) - 20
(Rt.73 incall)
☆ • • ☆ BAD 2 THE BONE• •• ☆ ☆ 1 OF A KIND • AUTHENTIC PLAYMATE! ☆ Ready When U R :) - 21
(South Jersey, Maple Shade /// Incall Only)
☆☆☆Spanish Italian Princess will be in Atlantic City after 7pm today - 31
(South Jersey, south jersey/Atlantic city)
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Central Jersey, In town, Jersey Shore, Newark, North Jersey, South Jersey)
"U_N_I_Q_U_E..> Brazilian/ Puerto Rican bombshell"> Slippery when WET !!! - 22
(Atlantic City...SOUTH JERSEY)
Vega 🌟Star🌟 is Here to 💋Play💋 LET ME TAKE YOU TO 🌴☀🌴PARADISE🌴☀🌴 - 27
(Cherry Hill, Maple Shade Berlin rt73 Incalls&Outcalls;, South Jersey)
Beautiful White Irish-American cutie making hearts beat faster allll night long.. blonde & new to AC - 24
(Atlantic City, Atlantic city Casino areas.....OUTCALLS, South Jersey)
CAUTION!! Slippery and ready for you to SLIDE CRAVING something WARM and SWEET!! sp 120 hr incall on - 26
(North Jersey, newark/elizabeth/incalls/outcalls)
🍭🍭🍭I'm sWeeT & 💄👠SeXy BuTT OH sO NaughTy👄👅💦 - 23
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey, Thorofare & surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
Vega🌟Star🌟 is Here to Play!! 💋💋Lets Get The Party Started💋!!!!!!💋💋 - 26
(Atlantic City, Maple Shade Berlin rt. 73 Incalls&Outcal;, South Jersey)
TrY ____ ME ! ____ ThE ____ BeST ____ In _____ ToWN ! ______ BeauTiFuL BRuNeTTe - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Outcalls)
Stacys New in Town and Ready to get Down! im also Fetish Friendly Fun and Tight💕💦💦 - 20
(South Jersey, Alantic City / Galloway (Incalls Only 💕)
SPECAILS! #1 servicelet candee take you on a WILD ride to candee land. have the best forget the rest - 19
(South Jersey, NE Philly)
new pics! Explore & Satisfy your Inhibitions /Nikki your perfect 10 companion;an open-minded blonde - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City)
new pics! Explore & Satisfy your Inhibitions /Nikki your perfect 10 companion;an open-minded blonde - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City)
{{{NEW}}} ~ *Italian, *Native American, *Hispanic & *African American....You Like???? - 21
(South Jersey, Maple Shade/Mt. Laurel {INCALLS ONLY})
🎉🎆BOMBSHELL 🎆🎉☺THE BEST CHOICE.!!👏👏👀satisfaction guaranteed👌👍💎 maple shade mount Laurel 💎 - 23
(Cherry Hill, Mapleshade mount laurel incall/, South Jersey)
MuNcH MadNeSs.. COME PlaY The [HUNGER] GaMeS with KRISTY...mASSage @ @ Much MORE!!!!!! - 24
(South Jersey, Mt. Laurel/ rt 73)