Mon 27 Jan
Real pics 💦♡ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε♡☆💕💋🚨⇛ AMAZiNG LipS ⇚JUICY (609)760-6057👅♥️💋💦 - 27
(Atlantic City, Bellmawr, BHP, 295/42, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💋One More Night!💕§ummer $k¥¥💋 6o9..778..7584💕 - 28
(bellmawr 168 near 295, 42 & Trnpk, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Sun 12 Jan
💋💕§ummer $k¥¥💋NEW NUMBER!! 6o9..778..7584💕 - 28
(bellmawr 168 near 295, 42 & Trnpk, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💋💎Bring In The New Year Right With The Green Eyed Girl That Will Make Your Toes Curl💋💎 - 25
(Brooklawn Deptford Area 295 42, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
👅Vote best in S.Jersey#👆Ratings for the best time of your life🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕 - 23
(Cherry Hill, Deptford/Westville/Woodbury/close to 295, South Jersey)
Sat 11 Jan
[ [×X×] ]_******MIXED PuErTo RiCaN bEaUt Y _[ [×X×] ] __ [ [×X×] ]_ PuErTo RiCaN bEaUtY _[ [×X×] ]** - 26
********ONE HOT and TASTY TREAT that YOU SURE dont WANNA miss***** - 25
(CHERRY HILL NJ NEAR 73/38 /295)
🎀❄Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas I Can Be Your Present Baby Come Open Me Up!❄🎀 - 25
(Brooklawn Deptford Area 295 42, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
░ •★ • SIMPLY ❤ THE BEST• ★• ░ * ❤•* L✪ ✪K *•❤* ░•♥• ★ SEXY ★ •♥• ░ * ❤.•* 36DD *•.❤*░ NEW GIRL!!! - 29
(Cherry Hill, IN/OUTCALLS ❤ CALL ME ❤ 856 899 3926, South Jersey)
💜❤NEED SOME COMPANY*come play!!*80hh**last day!💜incall❤❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
***100% REAL 200% NAUGHTY dont MISS this SEXY mixed LATIN TREAT*** - 26
___ ▓▓▓▓▓ 10000% Real Sexy Dominican Mix(X)xed Beauty ▓▓▓▓▓ 36D -27- 40 Killer Curves ▓▓▓▓▓ _____ - 24
(South Jersey, maple shade 73 38 295 cherry hill)
Up$cale Companion 💋Adventures with SUNNY 💋 Available Now 💯 (202) 794-5780 ️ - 42
(295/42, Atlantic City, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Fri 10 Jan
=J_U_S_T= __ = W_H_A_T= __ =Y_O_U= __=C_R_A_V_E= *TRINITY* - 25
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70/ 295 exit 34)
*** GREAT SPECIALS GOING on THAT u DONT WANNA miss come AND GET IT WHILE IM still dripping & HOT*** - 26
(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) Come -:¦:- ** Sneak **-:¦:-** Away ** (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯) -SPECIALS!!!!! GOING on NOw - 26
💜❤NEED SOME COMPANY*come play!!* *💜incall❤SPECIAL 80-hh❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
((267-257-9236)) SUBMISSIVE Blue Eyed Platinum Blonde ♥•.Super Freak • ♡♥ Let's PARTY - 34
(South Jersey, Rt. 38/73/295 Cherry Hill - Maple Shade)
(3) for "ONE" $200 Super SpEci@L w/ *SHY* *NJOY* *HONESTY* - 19
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70/295 ( $200 Special))
❤ #1 A MAZI NG ✪ THICK ASIAN VIXEN & 38dd ❤ - 18
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70/ 295)
BP Newest Sensation Andrea! Be the first to see me!😘 - 26
(Cherry Hill, MT LAUREL, CHERRY HILL, RT 295, South Jersey)
Thu 09 Jan
====== T = H = E ======= R = E = A = L ======= U = L = T= I = M = A = T = E ======= - 24
(South Jersey, 295 route 73S / cherry hill/ mt. laurel)
NEW IN TOWN ❤💓🌺 100% ℛRεaℓ 36DD 🌺💓 ❤Upscαℓε 💎 ßεαuty❤ 😻Sexy ρℓαγ ℳᆀ 😻💓 Perfect ➓❤ - 29
(Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill ❤ 36DD ❤ 856 899 3926, South Jersey)
💋Adventures with the Legendary SUNNY 💋 Available Now Text/Call (202) 794-5780 - 42
(295/42, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Angels arrived, slice of heaven, Candice 856-430-0240, Anmereta (Blonde) 856-430-8964 - 21
(Camden, Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel, I-295 and rte73, South Jersey)
💜❤NEED SOME COMPANY*come play!!*2 girl avail (ceejay&gia;) *💜incall❤80Hh SPECIALS❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
💜❤come be naughty with me💜NEW pictures❤in CALL AVAIL❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
********ONE HOT and TASTY LATIN TREAT that YOU SURE dont WANNA miss***** - 26
(CHERRY HILL NJ NEAR 73/38 /295)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I'm So HOT that other girls keep getting my ad deleted!! 😂😜 Come Have fuN with Me!! I'm LEAH💋 - 20
(Cherry Hill, Rt 168/295 exit 28/NJTP Exit 3, South Jersey)
Wed 08 Jan
New to CHERRY HILL area** Thick n fit ** Italian n Puerto ricAn offering 100$ incall specials! - 22
(South Jersey, Cherry hill Located rite off 295)
💜❤ONLY 80-hh 💜❤You'll Be Amazed and Wish You Had Called A Long Time Ago❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 33
(camden county, rt 130, near 295, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💜❤come be naughty with me💜 specials ❤DONT MISS THIS❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
M@Ke ♛ yO oWn ♛ DoN@tioN ♛ & h@vE fUn ♛ w/ *JADE* ($100 spec.) - 22
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70/295)
Hey Babes, Hott Juicy & Ready To Please! Cherry Hill 😘💕❤😍😊 Call Now - 22
(Cherry Hill, I-295, take Exit 34A (Hwy. 70) 🍒HILL, South Jersey)
Fun AND Erotic •★• What you Want & Need •★• LONG LEGS & BIG BOOBS •★• NEW GIRL - 29
(Cherry Hill, CHERRY HILL •★• CALL ME •★• 36DD, South Jersey)
2 on the line, my oh my ,Stockings, and Lace Featuring: Candice and Ane (Blonde) - 22
(295 Mt Laurel, Maple Shade, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
*¨¨*($1 spec) -:¦: CLICK *-:¦:-* HERE *-:¦:-* CLAIM*¨¨* YOUR *-:¦:-* P0SSESSI0N *-:¦:- * - 18
(South Jersey, 295 route 70S / cherry hill/ mt. laurel)
★°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS __ I'LL DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs °°★ - 26
Up$cale Companion 💋Adventures with Sunny 😍Available Now 💯Call📱 me... (202) 794-5780 👅♥️ 💋💦 - 41
(Atlantic City, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey, South Jersey 295/42)
- - - THE - P R E T T Y- - PeTiTE - - LoNg-HaiRed BRuNeTTe! - -- NEW LOCATION (FiNAL WEEK)- -- - 20
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill/ Rt. 73/Rt.38/I-295)
*~Big BOOTY*~*CALI mixed Breed Real Deal Provider 80//150Hr - 22
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill...Maple Shade...295/rt70)
👙💜🏩Put spark in your day! Revive yourself! Shake off the stress, Feel brand me NOW💜🏩 - 33
(camden county, rt 130, near 295, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
☆ *~*NW IN TOWN ®eal PI©§ ◕ ‿ ◕ ®ead¥ o Pleas~*~* ☆ *ENVY* - 19
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70/ 295)
Italian Busty Babe [ Selena Fox ] *Thick Juicy Goodness* Dump The Rest get with the Best!!! - 19
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill Rt.70 x U.s 295 x TurnPike)
~ *Mature LUSCIOUS EXOTIC beauty*~~~ NO NONSENSE!!!!! - 46
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey, South Jersey Private Location 295/42/47)
HORNY👉 Come Play 👉THE 🎀ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ🎀° EXØTiC ƒяєαк ♡[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] - 22
(Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill! Incalls! I-295 Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Tue 07 Jan
i d3finit3ly do what th3 old3r GIRLS wont do!!!! * SPARKLE * ( 100 $uP3r $p3ciaL) - 18
(cherry hill / 295)
******MIXED PuErTo RiCaN bEaUt Y ____PuErTo RiCaN bEaUtY _** - 26
$45 sPeCi@L (E_X_O_T_I_C ) ★ (F_R_E_A_K_Y) ★ (N_A_U_G_H_T _Y) *CHASITY* - 21
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt.73s/ 295 (re@rd00rp@$$))
💜❤come be naughty with me*80hh**for a short time only💜incall❤DONT MISS out❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
Mon 06 Jan
JuIcY~HotT***Fr€aky Doll 36C-28-34 (INCALLS)** - 23
(MT LAUREL, ROUTE 73 S, Cherry Hill, 295, South Jersey)
*******SLIPPERY and and READY to play come AND FEEL MY NESS IF YOU DARE****** - 26
💜come be naughty with me💜❤ Petite&Sexy; milf💜be naughty❤💜❤ - 34
(camden cty, 295, turnpike,blk horse pike, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Sun 05 Jan
—▓▓▓▓▓ ►►►►► }——K!LLeR R@tes Great Mouth —— { ◄◄◄◄◄ ▓▓▓▓▓ ◆◆—— D0m!Nic@n Mixxed B@Rbie —— ◆◆◆◆ -———— - 24
(South Jersey, maple shade 73 38 295 cherry hill)
Angels have arrived, Slice of heaven, Anmereta (Blnd) (856) 430-8964 Candice,856-412-0240, - 22
(Camden, Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel, near 295 and 73, South Jersey)
☆ *~*Vi§ting & ®eal PI©§ ◕ ‿ ◕ ®ead¥ o Pleas~*~* ☆ *ENVY* - 19
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70/ 295)
Morning Specials!! $I'm Back Super Cute Exotic Playmate$ - 22
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Cherry Hill/Rt 73/295/NJTP)
L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_Y. SPECIALS - 26
💜❤come be naughty with me💜NEW pictures❤in CALL AVAIL❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 34
(Cherry Hill, cmd county, turnpike, 295, blk horse pik, South Jersey)
Sat 04 Jan
*****LEt Me BE your TREAT ****** PLAY with this Latin FReAk********** - 26
An Angel from above Featuring: Madison 609-389-5682 - 33
(295 Mt Laurel, Maple Shade, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💜❤80-hh till 8 pm💜❤You'll Be Amazed and Wish You Had Called A Long Time Ago❤ Petite&Sexy; MILF - 33
(camden county, rt 130, near 295, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_Y. SPECIALS - 2 - 25
Im up All Night__________ Sneak out and lets have some fun ______ Call now !!! Specials ___________ - 24
(South Jersey, maple shade 73 38 295 cherry hill)
COME SEE NAUGHTY MIA! (856)655-2868😘❤😘👿 - 26
(Cherry Hill, MT LAUREL, CHERRY HILL, RT 295, South Jersey)
Fri 03 Jan
🌟🍭🍭READY To Please You 🍬 【 Italian】💵GREAT SPECIALS💵🍭🍭 🌟💕💕 - 23
(295/42/Bellmawr/deptford, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
👄👄Don'T SeTTle FoR LeSS ~ CoMe SeE ThE BEST ~ Kendall & Tara 👄👄 - 25
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/73/295/NJTP/Cherry Hill)
💋Adventures with the Legendary SUNNY 💋 Available Now (202) 794-5780 ️ - 42
(295/42, Atlantic City, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
»»💋Sexy🎀 BEST $PECIALS °★° ⓑⓐⓓⓓ💜кιℓℓer Curves🌟SPECIALS ♥ «« - 23
(295/42/Bellmawr/deptford/Pa/brooklawn, Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
💜❤come be naughty with me Petite&Sexy; MILF💜80hh-limited time only💜2 girl avail w/ceejay❤ - 34
(camden county, 295, belmawr. Turnpike, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Thu 02 Jan
~ *Mature Exotic beauty*~~~ NO NONSENSE!!!!! - 45
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey, South Jersey Private Location 295/42/47)
856-870-6762 NEW 🎀 Beautiful Lavish European Girl SPA 🎀🎀🎀🎀 Best Relaxation in South Jersey! 🎀 - 23
(Cherry Hill, ROUTE 42 / ROUTE 55 / 295, South Jersey)
====== T = H = E ======= R = E = A = L ======= D = E = A = L ======= - 24
(South Jersey, 295 route 73S / cherry hill/ mt. laurel)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Looking for Young, Tight & Hot??!! 💦💦👅👅🔥🔥Come Have fuN with Me!! I'm LEAH💋 - 20
(Cherry Hill, Rt 168/295 exit 28/NJTP Exit 3, South Jersey)
*_E R O T I C»--(¯`v´¯)-- » T L C»--(¯`v´¯)--» J A W »--(¯`v´¯)--» D R O P P I N G »-LATIN MIX - 26