Mon 27 Jan
♥ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You ) ) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ♥LAST DAYS ♥ - 20
(South Jersey, I-295, Rt. 42, I-676, Exit 3 Turnpike)
- PeTiTE BRuNeTTe - - - --- G I R L F R I E N D -- --- M A T E R I A L-- - - (F I N A L D A Y S)--- - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
(NEW PiCS) ★BuSTy HoTTiE ★ FAce Of An ANGeL★ A PlayFuL PerSonaLiTy ★ - 20
(South Jersey, I-295/Rt 42/I-676/Rt 70)
Sat 11 Jan
☆ W_O_W ☆ S UPER ☆ SEXY ☆BuSTy iRiSH LaSsiE ☆ - 20
(South Jersey, I-295/Rt. 42/I-676/Exit 3Trnpike)
💥 FiReWoRX ? XploSions? 💥 SeXy RiSinG 💫 STARR 💫 Fetish Friendly ! - 23
(South Jersey, rt 295/rt 130/ rt 42 incall /outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
★ BD Lindsay's G to the F-E ! ★ SPECIAL ☆ ( ☎ for donation) ● Excellent Reviews ID:191230. - 25
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 70 • rt 42 incall /outcalls)
=No GaMeS HeRe! === JuSt A [BeAuTiFUL] LittLE [PETiTE] PRiNCeSS === LeAViNG 4 GoOD SHoRTLY= - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
Thu 09 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)-» Looking 4 Something RARE and Risque? ReaD AbOut My SeCReT GiFTs »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42/Rt.130)
(South Jersey, South Jersey (Rt.130/ I-295/ Rt. 42)
(¯`'+ BeAuTiFuL Long-haired PeTiTe DoLL'´¯) (¯`.¸+ The COLLEGE SWeeTHEART / SeXIeST COMPANION + '´¯) - 22
(South Jersey, South Jersey (I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42))
(NEW SURPRISE!) ★BuSTy HoTTiE ★ FAce Of An ANGeL★ A PlayFuL PerSonaLiTy ★ - 22
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42/Rt.70)
$40 specials....let me show u a good time without breaking your wallet!!!! - 28
(South Jersey, Rt 130/Rt 42/295/Gloucester/brooklawn)
Wed 08 Jan
🔥💋👄 Young Tight Spinner!! It's Jamie!!! Are U Ready🔥🔥💋💋 - 19
(South Jersey, Bellmawr/Runnemede/Rt 168/295/42/NJTP)
(NEW PiCS) ★BuSTy HoTTiE ★ FAce Of An ANGeL★ A PlayFuL PerSonaLiTy ★ - 22
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42/Rt.130)
(¯`'+ SWEET+ '´¯)(¯`'+ PETITE+ '´¯) AvAiLaBLE*NOW* (¯`.¸+ The COLLEGE SWEETHEART + '´¯) - 22
(South Jersey (I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42)))
*¨¨*::-* SpeCiaL NeW SuRpRiSe 2 SHaRe! A RaRe TREAT, BuSTy AnD PETiTE *¨¨*::* - 22
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
*¨¨*-::-* SpeCiaL NeW SuRpRiSe 2 SHaRe...A BODY OF A GODDESS, ToUcH LiKe An ANGeL *¨¨*-*¨¨* - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
$40 specials!!!! Bored? Lonely? Just want a good time? Call me!!! New pics added!!! - 28
(South Jersey, Rt 130/Rt 42/295/Gloucester/brooklawn)
$40 specials!!!!! Let me help you start off ur weekend !!!!! Low hr rate(hr is not 40) - 28
(South Jersey, Rt 130/Rt 42/295/Gloucester/brooklawn)
ミ★ ミ☆ ミ★▐ #1🏆 Ch🅾č๏ℓąţ€ dιva ♥ 💋😘▐ ✨TOP🐾RATED ♥▐ 🎀💌 ➠✖xBUNNZx✖🌟▐ 🎀▐ ミ☆ ミ★ ミ☆ - 24
(South Jersey, ♥ OUTCALLS ♥ Rt. 295/73/70 ♥ Rt. 42/55)
Tue 07 Jan
Newer Pics..♥A RaRe TrEaT, LoVely & Petite♥ LOng-Haired, Busty BeAuTy ♥ - 22
(South Jersey, I-295/Rt.42/Rt.130/Rt.70/Exit 3 TurnPike)
💥 M o n d a y _SpeCiaL! 💥 SeXy RiSinG 💫 STARR 💫 Fetish Friendly ! - 23
(South Jersey, rt 295/rt 130/ rt 42 incall /outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
((UP ALL NITE!)) NeW SuRpRiSe 2 SHaR SoMeThiNg You May HaVe NEVER ExPeRieNceD oR EVeR WiLL - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/Rt. 42/Rt.70/Trnpike Exit 3)
(((( CLiCK here if you REQUiRE only the ULTIMATE LoNG HAiRED PeTiTe BEAUTY)))) - 22
(South Jersey (Rt.130/ I-295/ Rt. 42)
Sun 05 Jan
♥ SWeeT ♥ PETiTE ♥ DiSCRETE. LoVELy & UNIQUE. Make Your Day, COME & PLAY! ♥ - 22
(South Jersey, South Jersey (I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42))
tori is back in town~excellent massages~blonde hair hazel eyes~135lbs 34C~come c me tonight (rt 295) - 29
(South Jersey, rt 295/rt 42)
Kelly is back and ready to have some fun - 27
(South Jersey, South jersey minutes from 295 Rt 55 n 42)
Fri 03 Jan
💥 S u n d a y _ N i g h t_SpeCiaL! 💥 SeXy RiSinG 💫 STARR 💫 Fetish Friendly ! - 23
(South Jersey, rt 295/rt 130/ rt 42 incall /outcall)
((Looking 4 Something RARE and Risque?))_ _ _CHeCk Out My SpeCiAL GiFT!_ _ _ - 20
(South Jersey, I-676/ I-295/ Rt. 42/Rt.70)
★EvErY CoUpLE's F@NStANY ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeReCt ★EvErY MaN's DrEaM★ - 19
(South Jersey, RT.42/130168/I-676/295 BLACKWOOD AREA)
★ 60 Special Rate ! ★ SeXy _TaLented _MaTuRe★ ♥ ★ - 35
(South Jersey, 295/ rt 130 / rt 42 (856) 367- 1335)
Thu 02 Jan