Mon 27 Jan
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 23
(South Jersey, Out calls atlantic city area)
100% As Real As it Gets!! Are You Ready To Be Pleased by a Sexy & Fun Platinum Blonde Cutie?? - 24
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Area Out-calls)
★•♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ ☆ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R •☆•L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E.¸★ ¸.•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☆ - 21
(South Jersey, mount laurel in/out call ac out calls)
Sexy Brazilian bombshell beautiful face slim waist,exotic latin features up all nite609 328 0935 - 25
(South Jersey, Atlantic city in calls n out calls)
♥♥ *** 💋💋 CLASSY BEAUTIFUL SEXY INTELLIGENT 💋💋 Blue eyed Blonde ♥♥*** 💋💋 SO CUTE! SO FINE! - 24
♥ ★ *:• ☆ ♥ ★ Busty, Platinum, Sexy Blonde + Your Girl next door Sweet Treat Fantasy♥ ★ *:• ☆ ♥ ★ - 24
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Area Out-calls)
☆ 100% NaTuRaL ✮ BeAuTy iRiSh/ iTaLiAn. YoUr HoT MiStReSs. : ★Are U ReAdY - 25
(South Jersey, Cherry HiLL in-out calls)
Tight&Wet;, Sweet &Sexy..; Best Lip Service Ever!! 👄👅💖 - 27
(Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel, Marlton, Morrestown, Rt73, South Jersey)
♡★((Sexy Sweet & Sophisticated )) [Highly Addictive, WARNING!] Fantasy Girl A+ ♥☆ - 22
(South Jersey, out calls to mercer,burlington,camden ct)
Sexy ☆☆Ebony ☆☆ Doll In Town ☆☆ Sweet & Petite ☆☆ Freaky ☆☆Call Me Baby I'm Real& Ready - 20
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Out / IN CALLS available)
"Rose" Im ready for You! Out Calls Only In South Jersey 215-303-9792 215-303-9792 - 30
(South Jersey, Clementon,Cherry Hill, Maple Shade& Surr)
Sexy Brazilian bombshell beautiful face slim waist,exotic latin features up all nite609 328 0935 - 25
(South Jersey, Atlantic city out calls)
❤❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ REDHEAD▀▄▀▄❤ IRISH ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ BUSTY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ TREAT ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 29
(South Jersey, OUT CALLS A.c . CASINOS)
► S e x y B r u n e t t e T r e a t ◄ - - Available NoW - 26
(South Jersey, Out Calls/Only)
Redhead waiting to kick your week off right - 35
(Cherry Hill, Sicklerville, Berlin, Williamstown area, South Jersey)
Sassy lane is always in the third lane that means i like things fast and on the edge - 25
(South Jersey)
Precious & Laura Mature And Ready To Do It All No Matter What F0r $200 - 38
(South Jersey, maple shade In Calls or out)
► ► PRESS HERE TO PLAY ◄ ◄ Independent - 23
(South Jersey, AC OUT CALLS <~~~~)
Rileigh is back! Sweet N.H. blonde Cutie Visiting A.C. - 21
(South Jersey, Atlantic City IN & OUT calls)
❥» ReAdY To PLay ❥» KiLLeR CuRVEs ❥» SuPeR GoRgEoUs ! ❥» DD - 25
(South Jersey, Cherry HiLL Area In-Out calls)
PARTY .💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠 1 night only ! On a road trip!! 💠💠🎶🎶 - 24
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey, South Jersey in/ out calls)
o° E.V.E.R.Y. °o° M.A.N.'.S. °o° F.A.N.T.A.S.Y - o *Slim wAiSt RoUnD - 27
(South Jersey, Out Calls/Only)
Relax, Refresh, Renew!!! It's The SUNDAY "Chill Out" SPECIAL!!! 12Noon To 5PM!!! - 40
(South Jersey/Philadelphia)
;-) NICKI :-P At£antic :-* Cit¥'$ :-P Carm€£;-) D€£ight ;-) $ - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City OUT CALLS ONLY)
_ ___ O M G !! !__ _ BeST - N - JeRseY !! ! _ __ ExXoTiC__ MoDeL_ _ViXxeN !!! - 21
(South Jersey, CHERRY HILL RT. 70)
*~outcalls time to EXPLORE the BEST feel the BEST its a MUST VISIT ** IVY STONE BABY~* - 21
(South Jersey, berlin atco clementon IN & OUT CALLS)
NEW LOCATION!! SPECIAL DEALS!! SeXy bLonde Looking to Please YOU! BEST in Satisfaction! - 25
(South Jersey, Wrightstown, My Holly, Burlington)
OUTCALLS!! OUTCALLS!! OUTCALLS!!!!!! ♡♡♡ SPECIALS 24/7 ♡♡♡ call barbie :) - 23
(South Jersey, Berlin, Blackwood, Deptford, Mount Laure)
New Russian Girl and Puerto Rican Mix With Italian In Her Want to Show You Russian Love - 21
(South Jersey, Atlantic City (Out N In Only))
NEW NEW Passionate Touch's OUT calls ALL Day & Night will come ANYwere NEW NEW - 20
Out&Incall; Slim,ThicJuicy White mans dream👅❤☶☶▐☶☶▐☶ ❤ Sexy PuertoRican❤ ▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤▬▬▬▬❤▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤ - 21
(Bellmawr in&out; calls surrounding area, Camden, South Jersey)
OMG.. SEXY EBoNY Fr3Ak {{GoRgEoUs CuRvEs SeXy BoDy}} W@iTln 2 SeRv3 YoU!!!! - 25
(~!!~ChErRYHiLl AreA~!!~24Hr Incalls only)
♡ ♥ NEW ♥ **♡* MEME *♥*♥ ! *♥♡ Mature & Passionate *♡♥ - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City, Absecon, Eht, galloway)
**NEW IN TOWN** j a s m i n e at ur s e r v i c e $100 specials 856-619-6064 - 29
(South Jersey, South jersey in or out calls)
!NeW IN ToWn!! .... SaMmY SwEetHeaRt 💕💕 DoNt miSs oUt!! LeAve wiTh A SmiLE 😙👅💫💯 - 21
(South Jersey, maple shades/mt.Laurel)
Sun 12 Jan
~° UPSCALE °~ * SeXy * ~ PlAyMaTE ~ Independent~ InCALL SPECIALS! - 28
(South Jersey, Atlantic City / Ca$ino'$ In/Out CALLS !!)
♥ ★ *:• ☆ ♥ ★ Busty, Platinum, Sexy Blonde + Your Girl next door Sweet Treat Fantasy♥ ★ *:• ☆ ♥ ★ - 24
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Area Out-calls)
Beautiful Goddess CALL NOW!! Im waiting on U - 21
(South Jersey, Cherry hill and surrrounding ares In/Out)
~~~♥♥♦Beautiful Brunette Here For A Short Time!!!!♥♥♦~~ - 25
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill/Blackwood-Out Calls)
★ ★ ★ • $uPer SeXy • — • DiRtY BLoNdE •★ ★ $ •MELODY •$ ★ ★ • - 21
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill, Belmawr, Deptford, Voorhees)
BUSTY And Beautiful!!! Captivating And Curvaceous!!! SPECIAL INTRO RATE $80 - NEW CLIENTS Only!!! - 40
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill/Camden County)
Sat 11 Jan
?$?$?$?why take a gamble when you have a sure shot?$?$?$? - 22
(South Jersey, ac area incalls, out calls availbe)
WOW!!! Don't Be A Turkey!!! Check Out These ALL NEW Thanksgiving Holiday SUPER SPECIALS!!! - 40
(New Jersey/PA/DEL)
Two is Better than One...we will show u how to have fun - 25
(Cherry Hill, MTLaurel,Belmawr,Deptford.GT.WT.voorhees, South Jersey)
Start Your HOLIDAY Weekend Off Right With My NEW CLIENT Intro SPECIALS!!! NEW Clients ONLY! $80!! - 40
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill/Camden County)
Spice Up Your TUESDAY With A SUPER BUSTY, Beautiful, REDHEAD!!! SPECIALS - 12Noon To 7PM!!! - 42
(South Jersey, Mt. Laurel, NJ / Cherry Hill, NJ)
SunShine's Amazing Specials hh$140/hr$180 incalls and hh$150/hr$200 out call - 35
(South Jersey, Maple shade area in calls or out)
.:♡:. Sexy . Petite . Blonde . Playmate .:♡:. 609-328-8831 - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City NJ (In Calls & Out Calls))
💕N€W 💕☁✴🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅✴LAtiNA Upscαℓε ßεαuty••💋UR #1🔝 Pick ♥ - 21
(South Jersey, Mt. laurel/ Cherry hill/ Maple shade)
********ONE HOT and TASTY TREAT that YOU SURE dont WANNA miss***** - 25
(CHERRY HILL NJ NEAR 73/38 /295)
;-) NICKI :-P At£antic :-* Cit¥'$ :-P Carm€£;-) D€£ight ;-) $ATURDA¥ $P€CIA£$ - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City OUT CALLS ONLY)